Azure DevOps Training

Course Overview

Azure DevOps is the evolution of Visual Studio Team Services. It is having a wide spectrum of inbuilt functionalities with the help of teams can work towards effectively managing their project and automating their workflows which can enhance their productivity levels. All this can be achieved within a very short initial learning curve. By integrating Azure DevOps within the enterprises workflow you can gain access to Azure Boards, Azure Repos, Azure Pipelines, Azure Test Plans and Azure Artifacts. So it’s quite obvious that organizations would be running crazy behind Azure DevOps to reap its benefits to the fuller extent.

As a part of this advanced Azure DevOps Training In Hyderabad program, students will be learning the concepts from an advanced course curriculum. Our Azure DevOps training curriculum is specially crafted by the industry experts so as to compliment the present industry requirements & standards.


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    Training Details

    Training Type: Live Instructor-led (online) | Corporate Training | Job Support
     Duration: 45-50 hrs
     Trainer: Having 5-10+ yrs experience.

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    Prerequisites & Course Content

    • Basic understanding of Agile practices, Azure development, and administration, benefits, and principles of cloud computing.
    • Experience with system administration and general networking concepts.
    • Familiarity with Linux or Windows.


    • The format is 40% theory, 60% Hands-on.
    • It is a 25 days program and extends up to 2hrs each.


    • The format is 40% theory, 60% Hands-on.
    • It is a 6 days program and extends up to 8hrs each.


    • Private Classroom arranged on request and minimum attendees for batch is 4.

    Course Content

    1: Azure DevOps
    • What is Azure DevOps
    • VSTS vs. Azure DevOps
    • Core Concepts
    • Azure DevOps vs. TFS
    • DevOps Market Trends
    • DevOps Engineer Skills
    • DevOps Delivery Pipeline
    • DevOps Ecosystem
    • Pricing Tiers
    2: Azure Boards
    • Kanban boards
    • Scrum boards & planning tools
    • Refining Backlogs on Azure Boards
    • Monitoring, Insights & Analytics
    • Team Dashboards
    • Custom reporting
    3: Version Control with Git
    • What is a version control?
    • What is Git
    • Install Git
    • Common commands in Git
    • Working with Remote Repositories
    4: Working with Git
    • Staging files
    • Committing files
    • Adding branches to your workflow
    • Merge vs. Rebase
    • Synchronizing with a remote repository
    • Pull Requests
    • Working with Visual Studio and command-line tools
    • Create Repository and host it in Azure Repos
    5: Branching and Permissions
    • Why use a version control system?
    • Pull requests
    • Code search
    • Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC)
    • Branching Models
    • Branches v. Labels v. Folders
    • Sharing code across Projects
    • Builds and Branches
    • Mapping Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC) commands and workflows to Git
    • Branch Policies
    • Resolve Merge Conflicts
    • Triggering Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)

    Continuous Integration (CI)

    • Continuous Integration using Azure Pipelines
    • Pipeline creation
    • Environments
    • Tasks
    • Workflows
    • Code Coverage
    • Code Quality
    • SonarQube Integration
    • Gated Builds
    • Best Practices
    6: CI/CD pipelines
    • Introduction to CI/CD
    • Tasks
    • YAML Templates
    • Create a .NET Core CI pipeline
    • Create a .NET Core CD pipeline
    • Sonar cloud integration
    7: Containerize using Docker
    • Introduction to Docker
    • Understanding Docker Lifecycle
    • Components of Docker Ecosystem
    • Common Docker Operations
    • Creating a Docker Hub Account/Azure Container Registry
    • Committing changes in a Container
    • Pushing a Container Image to Docker Hub/ACR
    • Creating Custom Docker Images using Docker file
    • What are Docker Volumes?
    • Deploying a Multi-Tier Application using Docker Network
    • What is Container Orchestration?
    • Container Orchestration Tools
    8: Kubernetes
    • Introduction to Kubernetes
    • Kubernetes Architecture
    • Deploying Kubernetes using Kubectl
    • YAML Files
    • Creating a Deployment in Kubernetes using YAML
    • Services in Kubernetes
    9: Implement and manage build infrastructure
    • What is Ansible?
    • Private and hosted agents
    • Integrate third-party build systems
    • Recommend a strategy for concurrent pipelines
    • Manage Azure pipeline configuration
    10: Azure Artifacts
    • Creating & sharing packages
    • Adding packages to your pipeline
    • Package management
    11: Deploying ARM Template in Azure
    • Introduction to CI-CD ARM templates
    • Create ARM template
    • Create and Run ARM deployment CI pipeline
    • Create and Run ARM deployment CD pipeline
    12: Terraform
    • What is Terraform?
    • Terraform setup
    • Sample module creation and execution in Azure
    13: Nagios
    • What is Continuous Monitoring?
    • Introduction to Nagios
    • Nagios Architecture
    • Monitoring Services in Nagios
    • What are the NRPE PLUGINS?
    • Monitoring System Info using NRPE plugins


    Phelix IT Solutions is committed to a global approach to advise and guide you in implementing your digital transformation strategy and security policy for the most critical information systems through a complete range of services and cyber security solutions.


    Phelix IT Solutions, PT No.1, Phase-II

    HUDA Colony Chandanagar, Hyderabad-500050, Telangana


    +91 8977 888 954

